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By Rachel Gilmore

Updated: Jan 3, 2020

On Friday, January 11, 2013, CD & ME will begin the sixth season of its crowd-pleasing “Laugh the Night Away” Winter Comedy and Concert Series. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for dinner-comedy shows and 7:00 p.m. for comedy shows, with the show starting at 8:00 p.m. followed by a live band at 9:30 p.m. Tickets are available online at

“This year will be our best ever as we are introducing new acts, new events and new days to our schedule. We’ll be offering one Thursday show on Valentine’s Day with comedienne Patti Vasquez, three Saturday shows and more dinner show packages,” reports comedian Ken Sevara, CD & ME partner and talent booker.

Other highlights include the series kick off on January 11 with the Morning News Comedians (Mike Toomey, Pat Tomasulo and Ana Belaval) as seen on WGN TV, along with CD & ME’s first theatrical event on April 6 when Vicki Quade’s hysterical one-woman show, “Late Night Catechism,” comes to Frankfort.

“(CD & ME owners) Dean Vaundry, Chuck Jabaay and I are committed to making this a better and stronger experience every year, and we feel the 2013 schedule succeeds in a major way. These are nationally recognized talents coming to Frankfort for single night shows, and we’re thrilled to be able to feature them in a friendly, affordable venue that’s close to home for much of the audience,” Sevara adds.

Keeping customer comfort in mind, CD & ME will also be adding valet parking service during the upcoming season. Guests will be able to step right from their cars into the club during the harsh winter months.

To view the entire schedule for the 2013 “Laugh the Night Away” Winter Comedy and Concert Series, visit CD & ME’s website at:

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